Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friendly Beasts, Day 15: World Wildlife Fund

As the largest multinational conservation organization, World Wildlife Fund is supported by nearly five million people globally.  Their vision is to build a world in which humans and nature live together in harmony.  They have some ambitious goals to meet by 2020, including conservation of fifteen of the world's most ecologically important regions.

They achieve this by tackling topics on multiple levels, from animal welfare and habitat conservation to industry education and revisions that help care for the environment without losing economic opportunity for those involved.  Understanding the value of long term economic stability over short term economic windfalls is merely one facet of what the global outreach network strives for with their programs (i.e. renewable forests which may provide less immediate cash but more stable cash flow in the long run vs clear cutting which may provide a lot of money in the immediate but then nothing when resources are gone and the land too damaged to produce more).

Their Web site also provides accountability in the form of financial reports, information regarding their board of directors and councils, and contact information for visitors wanting to get involved in the effort.  Donors can contribute directly, purchase gifts from their store for their favorite animal-loving friends, or "virtually" adopt an animal and sponsor programs and education that helps protect that animal and its kin.  Being from the San Francisco Bay Area, I'm kinda partial to the sea lion, like the one pictured above from their adoption page.

It may be a small world to some, but there is a lot of work to be done to keep it protected.  If you're a person that just doesn't know where or how to start contributing, I recommend checking out WWF at the Web site above, visit them on Facebook (under World Wildlife Fund in your search) or at Twitter (@World_Wildlife)

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