Friday, November 30, 2012

On the seventh day of...

Today was a challenging day.  A reorganization of my company announced a couple weeks ago resulted in the laying off of a large amount of workers, many of whom worked in my department and I've known for 5 years, 10 years, more.  Today was the last day they were required to work, and though they will continue to get pay and assistance from the company for a bit, for all intents, today they were done.  It was a hard day for both those leaving, and those staying.

Combining these emotions with a heavy rainstorm pounding our area made the idea of doing a Random Act today difficult.  I just didn't have the heart, or the energy.  I just wanted to go home after the long day, relax, escape in a movie.

But I couldn't seem to let the idea of doing a RAOK go; I suppose once you've gotten used to the habit, it feels a little odd when you don't do one, like forgetting your watch at home or going to bed without brushing your teeth.

So while sitting and watching my movie (The Dark Knight, if you're curious) and sipping on some red wine, I took a little bit of time to browse through some LinkedIn profiles, doing a few endorsements and a couple of written recommendations for colleagues I consider friends, and friends that were once colleagues.  It may not be a huge thing, but it suddenly seemed really important to make sure their talents/skills were recognized.

My energy petered out again not long after, with my eyes crossing a bit from fatigue (even now this blog post is getting fuzzy), but the few that I managed to do felt not only good, but really right.  It's something I plan to work more on this weekend, after I've given my eyes, my mind, and my emotions a bit of a rest.

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