Saturday, November 24, 2012

On the first day of...

Inspired by several folks in the fandom of Misha Collins and Supernatural, I'm launching my December giving a few days early.  #RandomActsforMisha is a hashtag being used on Twitter for fans to help share their Random Acts during the month of December, to help motivate that holiday spirit in each other that seems to get sucked away by the crazy madhouse that is the "holi-daze" season.

My first random act isn't so random this time around since it's something I do every year anyway, but perhaps by writing about it/blogging it/Tweeting it, it'll spark an interest in someone else to do the same and that can also be a random act.

Today is Small Business Saturday.  As soon as I'm done posting this, I am heading out to support local businesses and craftspeople with my money rather than spending it at the large corporation stores.  Sure, it means thing might be a little more expensive, or I might have to make a few more stops to get what I need.  But it also means that the money goes back into the economy through the spending by these small store owners, rather than sitting in a big bank account collecting dust.  It means that my family and friends will receive gifts made by the hard working hands and imaginations of men and women crafting in their garages, their kitchens, or at the sewing machine after the kids have gone to bed.  It means helping one more family stay in business instead of seeing one more empty storefront.

And after I've done my shopping, I'll head downtown for some lunch at a local restaurant, and a cupcake at the local sweets place (which was broken into on Thanksgiving, Grinch, boo!)  Not that I need an excuse to go get a cupcake...

From replacement bulbs for your tree to gift wrap for under the tree, consider supporting your local businesses this year.  They need us!

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