Friday, December 7, 2012

On the thirteenth day of...

I've been battling a cold that's been circulating around work, and yesterday I was just physically and mentally wiped.  After taking care of a couple errands, my intention was to head home and to my pillow.  Do not pass Go, etc, etc.

"But what do I do about my RAOK?" my do-gooder brain voice asked.

"Getting your germs out of everyone else's air should be considered a kindness itself." came the stuffy-achy reply.

After making a quick (ish, for this time of year) stop at the post office to begin mailing out the holiday packages, I spotted my RAOK salvation in the form of a bell ringer in front of a red bucket.  Grabbing my change purse as I walked out the door, I emptied it into the bucket while chatting briefly with the lady of the bell.  She admired my coin purse (made from a red baby's sock), commented on me getting some tea for my throat, and made much more fuss over the 80-someodd cents I dropped in than I am sure was warranted.  "No no," she said, when I tried to wave it off. "All those cents add up to something wonderful, so every little bit helps."

As I stepped to the curb to head back to my car, she called out "Merry Christmas! And gosh, I sure hope you feel better soon."

Little bits, indeed.

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